I have not got TeXLive 2015 but that is just bad. Does the new xetex effect
any other of math typesetting that used to work fine with Knuth TeX? does
it break any package? with breqn the issue is not too bad since breqn is an
experimental package and not a lot of people are aware of it or use it. I
am not saying that it is ok but that if it does not break any other
packages, then it is not too bad.

On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 8:47 PM, David Carlisle <d.p.carli...@gmail.com>

> To see a non contrived example where the change breaks existing
> documents, take this example
> (using a math expression from the breqn package documentation)
> \documentclass[]{article}
> \usepackage{breqn}
> \begin{document}
> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
> \begin{dmath*}
>     g = 0 + 1 - 1
> \end{dmath*}
> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
> \begin{dmath*}
> T(n) \hiderel{\leq} T(2^{\lceil\lg n\rceil})
>   \leq c(3^{\lceil\lg n\rceil}
>     -2^{\lceil\lg n\rceil})
>   <3c\cdot3^{\lg n}
>   =3c\,n^{\lg3}
> \end{dmath*}.
> \end{document}
> I attach the output from xelatex 2014 and 2015,
> basically breqn doesn't work with xelatex 2015.
> I haven't fully traced it but I suspect (since math lists are opaque now)
> that this is not fixable by changing macro code.
> David
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