I didn’t provide a minimal example in this case because it didn’t seem
necessary. However, here you are. Compiles fine using XeLaTeX but not with

\newfontfamily{\hebrewfont}[Script=Hebrew]{SBL Hebrew}
This is banal and boring text. This is \texthebrew{עברית} rather than

I had a discussion with Vafa Khaligi last October who acknowledged the

On 2015-04-20, 11:42, "Ulrike Fischer" <ne...@nililand.de> wrote:

>Am Mon, 20 Apr 2015 13:27:10 +0000 schrieb Karljurgen Feuerherm:
>> I have posted to the lua list also, as the more likely candidate, but
>>no response so far.
>Which isn't really surprising: You didn't provide a minimal example
>- only some links and rather vage error descriptions.  I would
>probably need at least an hour to find out what your problem is
>before even being able to decide if I know something about it.
>> http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/188434/media-button-in-rtl
>I tried the example with xelatex of TL2015 pretest and still got
>your error with xdvipdfmx. Did you ever reported the problem to some
>bug tracker?
>Ulrike Fischer 
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>  http://tug.org/mailman/listinfo/xetex

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