Hi Doug,

On 27/04/2015, at 10:05 AM, Douglas McKenna wrote:

> Given that the number of TeX input files using ^^u is likely miniscule, and 
> the number of those that follow the ^^u or ^^U with four or six hex digits is 
> even smaller, it seemed like a worthwhile benefit vs. cost, 
> compatibility-wise.  Maybe there's something I've not thought out well.

For user-input files, then yes it is probably very small.
But such constructions figure to be used a lot within package sources
--- precisely to create macros that shield users from the syntax.

For example, try in a terminal:

  grep "\^\^\^\^" `kpsewhich unicode-math.dtx` | wc -l
There are 160 lines of input and/or macro definitions.
(four of these use ^^^^^ )
Doubtless packages supporting other languages are similar.

Of course, since these are in packages the coding can be changed,
if engines need to be changed.
(Except that old versions will still have to be retained for those 
people who do not update to newer versions of the engine.)

> This discussion I just found is both pertinent and frightening, I suppose:
> http://stackroulette.com/tex/62725/the-notation-in-various-engines

Yeah. Thanks for this link. It is from July 2012
--- so maybe some of that incompatibility is fixed now?

If not, then TUG-2015 in Germany this July may be a good 
place to discuss the status of all this?

> Doug McKenna



Ross Moore

Senior Lecturer
Mathematics Department  |   Level 2, E7A 
Macquarie University, NSW 2109, Australia
T: +61 2 9850 8955   |  F: +61 2 9850 8114
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