Dear Shivashankar,

I do not know Kannada, I even do not know other scripts, I know only
Devanagari and I think that the problems will be similar. Hyphenation in
Unicode aware engines is quite simple, if you have the patterns. TeX
hyphenates words and a word is defined as a sequence of characters with
\catcode=11 and nonzero \lccode. The sequence most not contain TeX
primitives, explicite \kern etc. If you have a Unicode aware engine, all
you have to do is to set \catcode, \lccode, \uccode, and insert the
patterns for iniTeX. 8-bit engines do not allow it When placing matras or
probably also conjuncts you have to use primitives that must not be inside
a word, hyphenation hence cannot be used. However, babel requires
specification of a hyphenation file. It is possible to specify zerohyph
which means "no hyphenation". Hindi contains mostly short words and
hyphenatin is not needed but for Sanskrit it may be important. The Velthuis
package solves it in a simple way. The feasible breakpoints can be found
algorithmically, so the preprocessor puts \- to all such places. As default
\- is not output, you have to switch this feature on.

Hope this helps.

Zdeněk Wagner

2015-04-27 13:14 GMT+02:00 Mojca Miklavec <>:

> Dear Shivashankar,
> I'm moving the answer to the mailing list where other people will be
> able to help you better than I can (please CC him).
> On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 11:49 AM, Shiva Shankar wrote:
> >
> > Hi Mojca,
> >
> > My name is Shivashankar and I am from Srirangapatna, Karnataka, India. I
> wanted to enable kannada tex package (kanlel.sty) in babel. May I know how
> to begin. At present I don't have hyphenation pattern for kannada. Without
> hyphenation patterns is it possible to enable kannada tex in babel.
> We do have hyphenation patterns for Kannada, but they only work in
> XeTeX/XeLaTeX or LuaTeX/LuaLaTeX (but LuaTeX doesn't fully support
> Indic scripts). There is also Kannada support available in
> Polyglossia.
> I don't know kanlel.sty (you should ask someone else about it and it
> also doesn't seem to be part of TeX Live), but here's an example that
> you should be able to compile with xelatex:
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage{fontspec}
> \newfontfamily{\kannadafont}{Tunga} % or {[tunga.ttf]}
> \usepackage{polyglossia}
> \setdefaultlanguage{kannada}
> \begin{document}
> ಏನಿದು ಲಾಟೆಕ್! ಗೊತ್ತಾ ನಿಮಗೆ?
> \end{document}
> The example was borrowed from
> with added
> Polyglossia support.
> I tried to add some longer text from Wikipedia and it seems to hyphenate.
> > If we need to learn more about TeX or LaTeX from where to start. Is
> there any book on LaTeX programming?
> I leave that question to others.
> > Regards
> > Shivashankar
> > Sriranga Digital Software Technologies Pvt. Ltd.,
> > Srirangapatna
> Mojca
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