I am developing a font to support the Old Italic block of Unicode and want to test it in XeTeX. The languages that are unified in the Old Italic range have recently been given OT tags, but I don't think XeTeX knows about them yet. The fontspec docs say (p. 35) that you can declare a new language, but I can't get it to work. (The example #40 uses the commands inside a macro; I need to see the basic operation.) In the font, I have the Old Italic script included with both a default language and the Faliscan language. Everything works fine in the font editor preview. When I try it in XeLaTeX, I get this error message:

* OpenType feature 'Variant=1' (+ss01) not available for font 'FaliscanCDS'

* with script 'Latin' and language 'Default'.

In other words, it's not picking up the change to the Old Italic script. Stylistic Set 1 is included in the font for both the default and Faliscan languages under the Old Italic script. I'm sure I am not writing the commands right, but without examples to follow I am lost and hope that someone can help. Minimal example below.

Thanks - David

% !TEX TS-program = xelatex

% !TEX encoding = UTF-8







\noindent On the lines below, the default characters appear on the upper line, with the same characters below but with the addition of the specified feature.\\

\script{Old Italic} %XeTeX already knows about the Old Italic script; this is not new.

\newfontlanguage{Faliscan}{XFA} %XFA is the newly assigned OT code for Faliscan.




𐌀𐌆𐌇𐌈𐌒𐌔𐌕𐌚 \fontspec{Cambria} with Stylistic Set 1


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