> On Oct 20, 2015, at 7:55 PM, maxwell <maxw...@umiacs.umd.edu> wrote:
> (Apologies if this isn't the right mailing list--the documentation I have 
> says I should send this to persian-...@tug.org, but I don't see that mailing 
> list on the list of TUG mailing lists, nor am I subscribed to it... and if it 
> does exist, I don't know how to subscribe to it.)
> I've encountered a problem in the interaction between the longtable, bidi, 
> and caption packages.  I'll attach the minimal example at the bottom of this 
> msg, but I have a question.  We're running the 2014 TeXLive distro; I never 
> got around to downloading the 2015 distro.  We'll probably do that, but we're 
> having some connectivity issues (serves me right for not having downloaded it 
> months ago), and there are some hoops to jump through, so it won't be instant 
> gratification.
> The issue we've found is that we want table captions to be ragged right, 
> rather than centered.  Ordinarily, the caption package handles this fine.  
> But when I have a longtable, and I use the bidi package as well, I can only 
> get centered captions for long tables (ordinary floating table captions work 
> fine).
> I've tried numerous variants of the code below, e.g. telling the caption pkg 
> to do ragged right only in one or the other of the places, loading the bidi 
> bpackage before or after the \captionsetup command (it cannot be loaded 
> before the caption pkg is loaded), etc.
> Did anyone else notice this last year, and if so, has it been fixed in the 
> 2015 distro?
>    Mike Maxwell
>    University of Maryland


The longtable environment is like a tabular environment, not the same as a 
floating environment like the teble environment. It's floats that take the 
caption. Try


%Tell the caption pkg to do ragged right at load time:
%Tell the caption pkg again:
%            ,justification=raggedright
%            }


Some test!

\caption{A long table}%Should be ragged right, but is centered instead
{AAAA} & {BBBB} & {CCCC} & {DDDD}


Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest dot com)

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