Hi Jonathan,

the Urdu sample looks good to me. Could you try to typeset just آگرہ? This
word looks quite bad in many fonts but it might be nice in Awami (at least
characters آک look nice).

Zdeněk Wagner

2016-02-18 15:51 GMT+01:00 Jonathan Kew <jfkth...@gmail.com>:

> On 18/2/16 14:02, Jiang Jiang wrote:
>> Hi Jonathan,
>> I suppose not everyone have a chance to build and try this yet. By any
>> chance you can provide a PDF test case demonstrating the feature? Then
>> perhaps more people can comment.
> Here's an example in Urdu script. There are 3 pages, all containing the
> exact same text.
> Page 1 has \XeTeXinterwordspaceshaping = 0, so this is what existing xetex
> would produce.
> Page 2 has \XeTeXinterwordspaceshaping = 1, which allows the font to kern
> across the inter-word spaces; in some cases this makes the space width
> substantially negative, so that adjacent words actually "overlap" to some
> degree. This avoids the large visual "gaps" that sometimes occur on page 1,
> depending on the shapes of the adjacent words.
> Page 3 has \XeTeXinterwordspaceshaping = 2, so we get the exact same
> line-breaks as page 2, but with some (relatively subtle, mostly)
> improvements to the actual shaping at word boundaries.
> Hope this helps to illustrate why this feature is important (in certain
> specialized cases).
> JK
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