Recently a person asked on #gtk+ whether a chat program should use WebKit
or GtkTextView to display the messages.

Some people (me included) immediately pointed out how rich and powerful
WebKit is a messy and poorly-portable dependency.

However, that got me thinking: if you do not actually need to render
HTML/CSS (some chat protocols, for example, explicitly specify that
messages are HTML-formatted and that CSS should be used to style them),
what if you could have the application use TeX to format messages and use
TeX to render a sequence of messages (chat) on screen (well, into a widget)?

Is that even possible?
Can one gradually extend TeX document by appending things to it, without
re-rendering the whole thing from the beginning?
Is it dangerous to feed XeTeX data received from untrusted third parties?

O< ascii ribbon - stop html email! -

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