David Carlisle wrote:
> [T]he definition of
> \def\set@page@color
> in xetex.def looks wrong, but no time to debug now may look later but
> anyway I'm not sure why it doesn't use the one from dvips.def which
> seems to work ok with xetex/xdvipdfmx
> \def\set@page@color{\special{%
>         background \current@color}}
> David
Thank you David -- I took a quick look at the original definition of 
\set@page@colour, but it was beyond my comprehension ...
> \set@page@color: [macro:->\global \let \current@page@color \current@color 
> \@ifundefined {GXTorg@shipout}{\global \let \GXTorg@shipout \shipout \gdef 
> \shipout {\afterassignment \GXT@shipout \global \setbox \@cclv =}\gdef 
> \GXT@shipout {\ifvoid \@cclv \relax \aftergroup \GXT@@shipout 
> \GXT@setpagecolor \else \GXTorg@shipout \vbox {\GXT@setpagecolor \box \@cclv 
> }\fi }\gdef \GXT@@shipout {\GXTorg@shipout \box \@cclv \relax }\gdef 
> \GXT@setpagecolor {\special {background \current@page@color }}}{}]
Your solution, on the other hand, works perfectly :-)
** Phil.

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