Am Wed, 5 Apr 2017 10:36:27 -0600 schrieb Bobby de Vos:

> Greetings,
> I have seen reports of problems on XeTeX on Ubuntu not handling woff
> files, both told to me in person and also on the web [1]. I am now
> taking over the Debian/Ubuntu packaging for some fonts (Scheherazade
> included) and wondered where to put woff files, to avoid this problem. I
> could put them in the documentation folder of the package, where some
> sample html and css files could load the woff and display text using the
> woff font.
> I asked this question on the Debian pkg-fonts-devel mailing list, and
> the response [2] contradicted what  Khaled Hosny said in [1]. Khaled's
> position (IIUC) was that the woff files should not be installed where
> fontconfig can find them. Debian pkg-fonts-devel mailing list said to
> file a bug against XeTeX for not validating the results of fontconfig.
> Whose advice should I follow?

On the whole I would agree with the debian answer: applications like
xetex/xdvipdfmx shouldn't try to use fonts it can't handle. 

On windows where fontconfig is used only by xetex I would try to
blacklist the faulty fonts with a <rejectfont>-pattern (I don't know
if it would work for the woff-problem) in the fontconfig
configuration but I don't think that there is an easy way to do
something like this on linux -- all configuration would affect other
application. So imho some other way to blacklist fonts/font types
for xetex/dvipdfmx is needed (luaotfload has a configuration file
for this).

That's the general answer. On the practical side: It can only help
if you can avoid to put the font somewhere where is disturb xetex.
And xetex users shold avoid "vage" font loading by adding the
extension if possible. 

Ulrike Fischer

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