On 21/04/2017 19:53, maxwell wrote:
On 2017-04-21 13:46, Jonathan Kew wrote:
I believe that xetex should be unaffected by that bug, because that
was an issue with the harfbuzz interface to graphite, but xetex uses
graphite directly without going through the harfbuzz layer (provided
you load the font with the /GR option, or whatever the fontspec
equivalent of that is).

There is certainly a bug in the way certain sequences of characters are
output by xe(la)tex.  Whether the bug is in xetex, or harfbuzz, or the
font itself is beyond my ken.  Martin Hosken (who submitted the harfbuzz
bug fix) seemed to think that would fix the issue in xetex, but I'm not
sure he actually tested it with xetex, which I suppose would require
re-compiling xetex.

It sounds from some off-line discussion as though it does in fact fix the issue in xetex, as the shaping back-end was refactored to handle graphite via the harfbuzz wrapper some time ago -- my initial response was based on how the code used to be, back when it was first written. Sorry for misleading!

So pulling a harfbuzz update into texlive/xetex and rebuilding would indeed be beneficial.


I can supply a simple XeLaTeX file for testing; it requires having the
Awami Nastaliq beta font from SIL.  I can also put you (or anyone else)
in touch with the other developers of that font, although I suppose
Martin is the expert on this issue.

I can also take this off-line if that would be more appropriate.

   Mike Maxwell

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