Am Fri, 12 May 2017 16:02:32 +0200 schrieb Dirk Hünniger:

> \setmainfont[Path=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/cmu/,UprightFont=cmunrm.ttf,BoldFont=cmunbx,ItalicFont=cmunti,BoldItalicFont=cmunbi]{cmunbx.ttf}
> causes the following error
>> kpathsea:make_tex: Invalid fontname 
>> `[/usr/share/fonts/truetype/cmu/cmunrm.ttf.ttf]/OT', contains '['

Yes, as I wrote the UprightFont key gives this error. But why do you
use it in this way? It is normally only need to add some suffix to
the font. 

> So the only question remaining is: Will the xetex compiler developers 

It is not a xetex but a fontspec question. And fontspec certainly
won't drop the use of extensions -- it is actually normally
recommended to use them. So if you get errors it either a bug or you
are trying to use a font that doesn't exist on your system (or can't
be found).

Ulrike Fischer

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