2017-06-18 17:01 GMT+02:00 Dominik Wujastyk <wujas...@gmail.com>:

> Dear Zdenek, what you say is borne out by my tests, where the only font
> showing a difference between Sanskrit and Hindi is the FreeSerif (the -kti-
> conjunct).

Not only kta but also nna and many other (try for instance प्रसन्नता)॰

> (I used the Fontspec/Polyglossia system for language-switching.)

This is a matter of font shaping in the engine (harfbuzz, pango, icu).
Fontspec/Polyglossia only sends the language request to the font shaping
engine. It is nowadays properly handled even by modern web browsers. If
your browser is new enough, you should see the difference on my web page
http://hroch486.icpf.cas.cz/freefont-devanagari/ where the same word is in
the <span> element, first with xml:lang="sa", then with xml:lang="hi".

> Best,
> Dominik

Zdeněk Wagner

> On 18 June 2017 at 02:04, Zdenek Wagner <zdenek.wag...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> as far as I know the Devanagari fonts are either Sanskrit with all
>> conjuncts that cannot be switched off or Hindi without the Sanskrit
>> conjuncts. The only exception is FreeSerif which takes the Devanagari block
>> from the Velthuis Devanagari and models the two modes from the "good old"
>> Velthuis Devanagari, namely @sanskrit and @modernhindi. It was my
>> suggestion implemented by Steve White. In all other Devanagari fonts
>> language switching has no effect because there is nothing to switch, the
>> language variants are not defined. I do not know how to do it, Steve White
>> knows. I just specified the desired result and Steve did it. It would be
>> nice if other font designers learned from his work.
>> Zdeněk Wagner
>> http://ttsm.icpf.cas.cz/team/wagner.shtml
>> http://icebearsoft.euweb.cz
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