On 07/07/2017 12:54, Johann Spies wrote:
> After a recent upgrade of texlive to 2017.20170629-1 on Debian I am
> experiencing a problem compiling a longstanding document and I can
> replicate the problem with the following code:
> \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article}
> \usepackage{fontspec} % Gebruik met xelatex
> \usepackage{graphicx} % Gebruik met xelatex
> \usepackage[hyperindex=true,colorlinks=true,bookmarks]{hyperref}
> \usepackage{colortbl}
> \setmainfont[Ligatures=TeX,Mapping=tex-text]{Linux Libertine O}
> \begin{document}
> \includegraphics{fruits.jpg}
> \end{document}
> %%% Local Variables: 
> %%% mode: latex
> %%% TeX-engine: xetex
> %%% TeX-master: t
> %%% End: 
> results in
> ERROR: Undefined control sequence.
> --- TeX said ---
> \Ginclude@bmp #1->\Gin@log 
>                            {<#1>}\bgroup \def \@tempa {!}\special 
> {pdf:image...l.11 \includegraphics{fruits.jpg}
> --- HELP ---
> TeX encountered an unknown command name. You probably misspelled the
> name. If this message occurs when a LaTeX command is being processed,
> the command is probably in the wrong place---for example, the error
> can be produced by an \item command that's not inside a list-making
> environment. The error can also be caused by a missing \documentclass
> command.
> You can replace "fruit.jpg" with any jpg to replicate the problem.
> It will help me if someone on this list can identify what is causing
> this.
> Regards
> Johann

Could you add \listfiles to your input and post the resulting *File
list* from the .log?


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