Am Wed, 25 Oct 2017 14:25:25 -0400 schrieb maxwell:

> For many of the fonts we use, there is no italic version (and in some 
> cases no bold).  This is natural for Arabic and Thaana scripts, since 
> there is no tradition of italicizing them.  (Nasta'liq is quite a 
> different sort of style...)
> When I include a font loading command for one of these fonts, like--
>      \setmainfont[Script=Arabic]{Scheherazade}
> or
>      \newfontfamily\naskhfont[Script=Arabic]{Scheherazade}
> --fontspec outputs something that could be taken as a warning, but is 
> probably more like information:
>      Could not resolve font "Scheherazade/I" (it probably doesn't exist).
> Is there a way to tell fontspec not to bother looking for an italicized 
> (or bold) version of particular fonts, and thereby prevent its 
> outputting this message? 

If you set the font explicitly the messages disappear:

\documentclass[a4paper, oneside]{book}


Ulrike Fischer

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