the lccode tables are set by the macro layer not the engine code, it
reads in The Unicode consortium data file
and sets the lccode values and catcode values according to the data there.



which is loaded at format creation



On Sun, 24 Nov 2019 at 02:12, Doug McKenna <> wrote:
> When the LaTeX format is built, there are tests for whether or not a 
> Unicode-aware TeX engine is doing the work.  I presume that XeTeX is such a 
> Unicode-aware engine, though I'm not familiar with what the definition of 
> "Unicode-aware TeX engine" actually is (separate issue).
> During the input of various hyphenation pattern files (a group for each 
> language code), the first such file that uses non-ASCII Unicode code points 
> is for Ancient Greek, in the file
> /usr/local/texlive/2017/texmf-dist/tex/generic/hyph-utf8/patterns/texhyph-grc.tex
> at line 61, which starts out
> α1 ε1 η1 ι1 ο1 υ1 ω1 ϊ1 ...
> TeX's code and specification says that only lowercase letters can appear in 
> pattern words, and the definition within TeX's source code of a lowercase 
> letter is any entry in the \lccode table that, when indexed by a character, 
> delivers itself.
> But as near as I can tell, during the building of the LaTeX format (i.e., 
> running "latex.ltx") there is no TeX source code that installs any of these 
> Greek letters into the \lccode table.  Therefore, I'm concluding that the 
> XeTeX engine does this itself when it initializes, rather than awaiting any 
> TeX source code to do it.
> But there are a whole lot of lowercase letters in Unicode, so I'm wondering 
> how XeTeX determines legal lowercase letters for initial pattern files?
> I've tried looking at some version of the xetex.web code, but without 
> illumination, I'm afraid.
> TIA,
> Doug McKenna

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