RD Holkar wrote:

I want to use package dramatist to write a play in language Marathi. I am using package polyglossia 
in XeLaTeX for Marathi. The package dramatist prints some theatrical terms via some commands. E.g., 
the command |\scenename| prints "Scene (and scene number in roman)". I want the word 
दृश्य to be printed instead of "Scene", and have the counter set to Devanagari script. 
Therefore, following the package documentation, I use |\renewcommand{\scenename}{􏰞􏰟दृश्य}| in the 
preamble. Similarly, I change the counter to Devanagari script.

My question is, how can I add these translation commands to the ldf 
(marathi.ldf) file for language Marathi in package poyloglossia so that I do 
not have to keep writing these commands all the time in the preamble? Thank you 
in advance.

What I really want is the command in marathi.ldf. I doubt if \renewcommand can 
be directly put in the .ldf file, can it be?

I can see no reason why not. Although "marathi.ldf" does not appear to be a part of the 
TeX Live 2020 suite, I have looked at what may be a similar file, "gloss-marathi.ldf" and 
it looks to me as if additional XeLaTeX commands could be added at the bottom, provided of course 
that you first clone it to TeXMF-Local (or similar) and modify the copy rather than the original, 
then re-build the file name database.

/Philip Taylor/

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