Michael Maxwell wrote:

I've noticed (and you probably have too) that a good proportion--maybe half, for a 30 or so page document--of the runtime for a xelatex document is startup: reading the style files.  Since I re-use the same style files for most papers, I seldom have a mistake in those, so it seems a waste to re-run them every time I want a PDF of a new version of my doc (or every time xetex finds a mistake in my doc).  Is there no way to save the results of loading that, so that it could be re-loaded more quickly next time?

Are you sure that it is the time needed to load your style files ?  Are you basing that on the fact that when the file-read list is no longer being augmented, that is the point at which your system seems to hang ?  If so, it may be font caching rather than style-file reading that is the root cause.  From an elevated TeX Live 2020 command prompt, type "fc-cache -r -v", wait for it to finish, and then try your TeX compilation again.

Philip Taylor

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