Bonjour François —

For this example :

\font \thefont = ''Arial Unicode MS''




I get not a dotted circle but an error message :

This is XeTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-0.999992 (TeX Live 2020/W32TeX) (preloaded format=xetex)

\write18 enabled.

entering extended mode


! Undefined control sequence.

l.3 \symbol



May I ask for an example that produces the dotted circle but not the error message ?

Philip Taylor


François Patte wrote:

I want to use some glyph using the command \symbol. In some case I get a
glyph with a dotted circle, how can I get the glyph without this circle?

For instance, if I type \symbol{"1133E}, I get this as a result after
compilation:   𑌾    with a dotted circle before.

Is it possible to eliminate the circle? And how?

Thank you.

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