Dear all,

when I run the following sample in XeLaTeX (TeX Live 2021)

\begin{block}{test block}

it outputs the following warning messages:

Missing character: There is no 4 ("34) in font nullfont!
Missing character: There is no 1 ("31) in font nullfont!
Missing character: There is no 0 ("30) in font nullfont!
Missing character: There is no 4 ("34) in font nullfont!
Missing character: There is no 4 ("34) in font nullfont!

The output is not broken at all, I just find these warnings annoying.
They do not appear with pdfLaTeX or LuaLaTeX, so I thought it was a
XeTeX-related issue.
I have already tried to replace


by the content of the Frankfurt theme file. There are the two lines


If I comment both lines out, the warnings will all disappear, but then,
the output is no more what I want. I've also found out that the number
of warnings decreases by
- commenting one of these two lines out,
- removing the block, or
- setting [shadow=false] in the \useinnertheme line

But as I am not familiar with internals, I didn't dig deeper.

Is this a known bug and where does it come from? XeTeX? Beamer? PGF?

Thanks for your help,

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