On 16/04/2023 19:30, Zdeněk Wagner wrote:

The mouth reads the input and assigns categories, thus
it sees ^^I as  the character with code 0x09, assigns category 9 to it
(ignored character) and sends this token to the stomach.

Wel, that's not what Knuth says at Exercise 7.3, Zdeněk  —

[Q] Some of the category codes 0 to 15 [...] disappear in TeX's mouth.  [...] Which categories can actually reach TeX's stomach ?

[A] 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13

so I think that on this occasion, perhaps, your memory may not be quite as infallible as it normally is ...

/** Phil./

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