Dear XeTeX maintainers,

The "CreationDate:" field in the generated PDF file is incorrect by 1 hour in a time zone, which follows the summer time and currently /is/ summer. This would be the Australian time zone right now.


$ export LC_ALL=C
$ export TZ="Australia/Canberra"
$ date && xelatex test.tex && pdfinfo test.pdf | grep Date:
Wed Nov 22 09:29:19 AEDT 2023 <<<<<<
This is XeTeX, Version 3.141592653-2.6-0.999995 (TeX Live 2023/Debian) (preloaded format=xelatex)
CreationDate:    Wed Nov 22 08:29:20 2023 AEDT <<<<<

It looks like as if it were the winter time (UTC + 1).

Note that pdflatex does not have any issue. The test.tex file is the minimal LaTeX Tex input file:


For reproduction I used a virtual machine running Debian unstable. Please keep me in Cc, I'm not subscribed to this list.


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