Hi Phil,

On 04.07.24 12:09, Philip Taylor (RHBNC) via texworks wrote:
If SyncTeX (called from XeTeX via TeXworks) is asked to handle a file with a U+2019 : RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK {single comma quotation mark} in its name rather than an apostrophe, it reports the following:

This is XeTeX, Version 3.141592653-2.6-0.999996 (TeX Live 2024) (preloaded format=xetex)
 restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
(./Men’s Indoor Honours update (ruled).tex (./Men’s indoor honours.dat)
[1] )
Output written on Men’s Indoor Honours update (ruled).pdf (1 page).
*SyncTeX written on Men�s Indoor Honours update (ruled).synctex.gz.**
Transcript written on Men’s Indoor Honours update (ruled).log.

I am reporting this here based on the following, but cc'ing the XeTeX and TeXworks lists as I cannot be certain wherein lies the problem —

In a quick try, I couldn't reproduce this with TeXworks 0.7r.0bc809bf on Ubuntu Linux 24.04. But IIRC, you use Windows?
Could you
*) provide info on which version of Windows/TeXworks you use and with which locale/language settings
*) provide the .log file as attachment
*) try running XeTeX from the command line - if the problem is gone then we can focus on TeXworks, if it persists we can rule out TeXworks.

Kind regards,

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