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On 12/27/2016 01:23 PM, himanshumahara wrote:

I have configured the xmlmind xsl server
url: http://web2.eecsoftware.com:8086/xslsrv/exec (Paid Version)

We are getting the issue on pdf conversion using foTOPDF.

The pdf document is not reflecting the font family "Calibri".

can you suggest me what can be the issue?​

This is normal. By default, the PDF generated by Apache FOP uses only uses the 14 standard PDF fonts (Courier, Times, Helvetica, Symbol families).

You must configure Apache FOP, which is used to generate PDF, to use font family "Calibri".

We strongly recommend to do it this way (which is easy and safe):

1) Use XMLmind XSL Utility --yes, the *desktop* application-- to create a configuration directory for you. Let's call this configuration directory "C:\XSLServer\config".

This is done by starting XMLmind XSL Utility using the following command-line:

xslutil -p "C:\XSLServer\config"

Reference: http://www.xmlmind.com/foconverter/_distrib/xslutil/doc/help/com.xmlmind.guiutil.PreferencesEditorDialog.html#custom_user_prefs_dir

2) In XMLmind XSL Utility, click "Preferences", then select the "FOP" section.

You'll see a dialog box which may be used to declare fonts for use by FOP: http://www.xmlmind.com/foconverter/_distrib/xslutil/doc/help/com.xmlmind.guiutil.PreferencesEditorDialog.html#fop_preferences

Click "Add" (4 times) to declare Calibri, Calibri Bold, Calibri Italic, Calibri Bold Italic.

Click "OK" when done.

3) Restart XMLmind XSL Utility always using:

xslutil -p "C:\XSLServer\config"

4) Use XMLmind XSL Utility to generate a test PDF. Check that this PDF actually uses font Calibri.

From now, your "C:\XSLServer\config" directory is ready to use by XMLmind XSL Server.

5) Stop XMLmind XSL Server A) using handy graphical app "controlapp" if using bundled Jetty 7 Servlet Container OR B) the usual way otherwise.

6) Configure XMLmind XSL Server A) using handy graphical app "controlapp" if using bundled Jetty 7 Servlet Container OR B) using file WEB-INF/web.xml otherwise.

Case A)

- Click the "Configure" button.
- Specify "C:\XSLServer\config" in the first screen.
- Finish to configure XMLmind XSL Server normally.

Reference: http://www.xmlmind.com/foconverter/_distrib/xslsrv/doc/manual/deploy1.html#deploy1

Case B)

- In WEB-INF/web.xml, set parameter "customizeDir" to "C:\XSLServer\config"

Reference: http://www.xmlmind.com/foconverter/_distrib/xslsrv/doc/manual/server_params.html#serverParams

7) Restart XMLmind XSL Server A) using handy graphical app "controlapp" if using bundled Jetty 7 Servlet Container OR B) the usual way otherwise.

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