Vernon M. wrote:
> The site is currently down.
> As a result, my usage of fo2docx is greatly impaired while it waits for
> timeouts for the following file:
> Can you help me modify the release so that it does not depend on this
> file (or any others at
> I'm using version xfc_pro_java-5_4_3

Please note that this is an XSLUtility issue. Simple command-line utility fo2docx.bat cannot process DocBook documents, just XSL-FO files.

We will fix this XSLUtility bug in next version.

--> If your documents are DocBook 4.x documents, please edit


using a text editor and after *EACH* line:

<parameter name="">%~px../images/callouts/</parameter>

add the following new line:

<parameter name="draft.watermark.image">%~px../images/draft.png</parameter

--> If your documents are DocBook 5.0 documents, please make the same changes as above but in:


--> If your documents are DocBook 5.1 documents, please make the same changes as above but in:


--> Alternatively, you may edit the relevant conversion from within XSLUtility by clicking "Edit", selecting the "Transform" tab of the "Edit" dialog box ( and finally adding the following XSLT stylesheet parameter:





(or value=%~px../images/draft.svg
if you prefer)

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