Hello Hussein,
Thank you, that helped :).

Regards Jan
-----Original Message-----
From: Hussein Shafie <huss...@xmlmind.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2018 9:29 AM
To: Kantor Jan PLZ DTTES7 <jan.kan...@zf.com>
Cc: xfc-support@xmlmind.com
Subject: Re: [XFC] : heading style in docx

On 11/27/2018 08:49 AM, jan.kan...@zf.com wrote:
> I have found that headings from xslfo (xmlblock with attribute e.g.: 
> role="headline0") are not converted to docx with heading style. Do I miss 
> something or it's not supported? This can be helpful because of navigaror in 
> MS Word.
This is somewhat normal as this property cannot be expressed in
*standard* XSL-FO.

This MS-Word feature requires the author of the XSLT stylesheet that generates 
the XSL-FO to use our (very simple) XSL-FO *extension* attribute called 

See "4.4.1. The xfc:outline-level extension attribute", 

We did that in our own XSLT 2.0 DITA to XSL-FO stylesheets and in our own XSLT 
2.0 XHTML to XSL-FO stylesheets. But this is not the case of the DocBook XSL 
stylesheets, which are not our work.

--> More generally, if you are about to adapt your XSLT stylesheet to
XMLmind XSL-FO Converter, we strongly recommend you to first read this short 

"How to adapt your existing XSLT stylesheet to the specificities of XMLmind 
XSL-FO Converter", http://www.xmlmind.com/foconverter/adapt_xslt/adapt_xslt.html

XMLmind FO Converter Support List

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