Title: RE: [XFree86] 4.2.1 problems on Presario 725au

your logfile says this:
  (II) PCI: 01:00:0: chip 5333,8d02 card 0e11,0086 rev 01
which should be some S3 Twister-K chipset,
according to the pci databas at "yourvote.com".

i really dont know that thing.
try using the svga drivers.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Royce Ausburn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2003 20:47
> Subject: [XFree86] 4.2.1 problems on Presario 725au
> Greetings,
> I tried updating from 4.2.0 to 4.2.1 using the Xinstall.sh
> thingy, no errors (except for my browser downloading extract
> wrong, but that was easily fixed).  That was nice and easy =)
> When I run XFree86 -configure, this is some of the output:
> "Fatal server error:
> XFree86 has found a valid card configuration.
> Unfortunately the appropriate data has not been added to
> xf86PciInfo.h.
> Please forward 'scanpci -v' output to XFree86 support team."
> I tried xf86config with the settings that I used for 4.2.0
> with no luck and breifly looked around google for answers,
> but frankly I don't know how any of this stuff works so I
> probably couldn't fix the problem myself. 
> I don't know how you guys prefer attachments, but
> XFree86.0.log and the scanpci -v output are attached to this
> email.
> I'm mostly happy with 4.2.0 so don't worry about replying
> with solutions, I'm mostly doing this because the error
> message asked me to and I want 4.3.0 to work =)
> Have fun =)
> -Royce

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