I got a problem with X windows. I am using
Redhat 7.3, and can not start X server now.
When logon as user, the error messages are as
Fatal server error:
PAM authentication failed, cannot start X server.
Perhaps you do not have console ownership?

giving up
xinit: no such file or directory(errno 2): unable to
connect to X server.
xinit: no such process (errno 3): server error.

when logon as root, the error messages are:
Xauth: error in locking authority file
/root/.Xauthority Xauth: error in locking authority file
/root/.Xauthority Xauth: error in locking authority file
/root/.Xauthority Xauth: error in locking authority file
giving up
xinit: no such file or directory(errno 2): unable to
connect to X server.
xinit: no such process (errno 3): server error.
xauth: error in locking anthority file

I do not know what is wrong with the x server. There
is no .Xauthority file in /root. But when I try to
mkdir in /root or /, the error messages are:
mkdir: cannot create directory "test", no space left
on device.
But df shows:
/dev/sda1 use% is 37%, mounted on /

mount shows: /dev/sda1 on / type ext3 (rw)

Please help me. Thanks a lot and best regards,

Ke Ruan

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