At 06:37 PM 1/21/03, you wrote:
On Tue, Jan 21, 2003 at 06:31:19PM -0600, Greg Julius wrote:
>How do I set that red cursor back to something more normal?
>I know I've seen that bit of info cross this list, but in searching the
>archives I didn't come up with it.  When I tried "red cursor" the search
>engine ignored the quotes and gave me everything with red in it (think
>redhat) and cursor in it.  That was a lot of hits.  Is there some other way
>to specify the search criteria?

I put the following early in my .xsession/.xinitrc file:


I think it can be done with a resource too, but I don't remember
the details.

Is there any consensus on whether the new (red) cursor theme should be
the default in 4.3, or the traditional cursor shapes?

I'd vote for the regular black one. It's much less obtrusive to me. I found the big red ones to be in the way visually.

Thanks for asking. It will be interesting to see what the consensus is.

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