On Wed, Jan 29, 2003 at 11:05:28AM -0800, Alex Pavloff wrote:
> The Xfree digest settings confuse me.
> Previously, on the xpert mailing list, I'd get 3 digests a day or so with a
> varying amount of messages.  This wasn't too bad, albeit slightly confusing.
> Now with the xfree86 mailing list, I get one digest every 3 or 4 DAYS.  The
> last digest I got contained 214 messages and was 1003KB in size.  This is
> completely unwieldy to read, especially as a good portion of this mail
> consists of logs and configuration files.

I've noticed things like that too. I wrote to the list about it already, but
didn't get any response on it.

> I would like to get 1 mail a day that has... the mail for that day.  This
> DID happen on Jan 4th, 5th, and 6th, each of which had 36-56 messages, which
> is readable, but seems to have broken at some point. 

Yeah. I only got one digest for the first 4 days or so I was subscribed.
Then I switched to plain mail delivery and it started pouring in. Something
ain't right.

Furrfu!         r a k k o  at  c h a r t e r  dot  n e t
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