David Turetsky wrote:
> [Latest response on top]

(Please don't do that.  I'm having quite a lot of difficulty following your
thread because of it.  It's much easier to read if you write in the logical
order - answer comes after question.)

> >>> David Turetsky:
>    My keyboard is clearly not being correctly interpreted (Microsoft
>    Natural via Dell) so any such entries are not being seen or correctly
>    interpreted

If you can't use Ctrl-Alt-F[1-6] to get to a virtual terminal, just open up
an xterm to do the necessary editing of config files.  Killing the X-server
with Ctrl-Alt-BS will probably just cause gdm to restart.  You'd need to use
the command
/etc/init.d/gdm stop 
to prevent it from respawning.  To stop it from starting after booting, you
will need to rename the symlink in /etc/rcN.d, as another poster advised.


You can keep your flags and emblems, I don't need them anymore
So just take your age-old hatred and then walk out of the door
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