Hmm.. So I have to reinstall the whole XFree86. 

Is there any manual or help file that you know of
which gives you tips on how to upgrade your XFree86
version on Red Hat Linux?

I looked for this information inside the Red Hat
documentation that comes in the CD bundle and couldn't
find it. Do you know how to do it?

I'm asking this because I tried reinstalling XFree86
once before using the instructions on but
it didn't work.


--- "Ramesh K. Sistla" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Is it possible to make X work with Intel 845 by
> simply
> > replacing the i810_drv.o and driver
> files
> > from the latest CVS snapshot with those that come
> with
> > XFree86 4.2? Or does the whole XFree86 need to be
> > reinstalled to make it work?
> I wish it were that simple!;-) You have to download
> and re-install the whole thing.
> Good Luck. 
> -- 
> :-)
> ramesh k. sistla
> The Prayer of India:
> --------------------
> lokah samastah suKhino Bhavantu -- Let the entire
> world be in peace!
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