Regarding: Missing information from the xkb file for logitech cordless desktop pro 
XFree86 Version: 4.2.1

OS: SourceMage GNU/Linux

Area: Xkb config files

Server: not server related


I have found that some of the key symbols are missing from the 
file:/usr/X11/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/inet file, in the section for the logitech cordless 
desktop keyboard. I've completed the section, and I'm including it below in case you 
want to include it in a future X11 release.

partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "logicordless" {
    // Describes the extra keys on a Logitech Desktop Pro keyboard.
    name[Group1]= "CordLess";
    key <I5F>   {       [ XF86Standby           ]       };
    key <I6D>    {       [ XF86AudioMedia        ]       };
    key <I20>   {       [ XF86AudioMute         ]       };
    key <I2E>   {       [ XF86AudioLowerVolume  ]       };
    key <I30>   {       [ XF86AudioRaiseVolume  ]       };
    key <I22>   {       [ XF86AudioPlay         ]       };
    key <I24>   {       [ XF86AudioStop         ]       };
    key <I10>   {       [ XF86AudioPrev         ]       };
    key <I19>   {       [ XF86AudioNext         ]       };
    key <I32>   {       [ XF86HomePage          ]       };
    key <I6C>   {       [ XF86Mail              ]       };
    key <I65>   {       [ XF86Search            ]       };
    key <I66>   {       [ XF86Start             ]       };
    key <I11>   {       [ XF86Community         ]       };
    key <I14>   {       [ XF86Shop              ]       };
    key <I66>   {       [ XF86Favorites         ]       };
    key <I69>   {       [ XF86OpenURL           ]       };
    key <I12>   {       [ XF86WWW               ]       };
    key <I6A>   {       [ XF86Back              ]       };
    key <I13>   {       [ XF86VendorHome        ]       };

I've used XF86WWW for a button that is actually marked "Webcam", XF86VendorHome for a 
button marked "iTouch" and XF86Community for a button marked "Messenger/SMS". The 
other additions are pretty self explanatory.

I have this keyboard myself and have tested the bindings to make sure they work :)

I hope this helps you,

Repeat By:

Well, if you have one of these keyboards, tell X to load the symbols using 

    Option "XkbRules"   "xfree86"
    Option "XkbModel"   "logicordless"

in the XF86Config file. Without my additions, you'll find that some of the hotkeys are 
unbound. My additions to the /usr/X11/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/inet file fixes this.

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