There are vnc servers which connect to the users existing Xserver and export that instead, such as x0rfbserver.

Some linux distros already include this functionality for remote support (lycoris, mandrake) as does KDE3.1


Marc St-Jacques wrote:
I was thinking of porting a MS Windows app to X but I hit a snag. Support staff need to know what the user is doing wrong, developpers
needs screenshots to correct bugs, and the user could benefit from the
support's ability to "show and tell" what going on.

For Windows, I'm using PcAnywhere for remote user support: it enables
you to view another person's desktop and act upon it, control their
mouse and devices, even teach the user on how to use the apps, etc.
(There's are also file transfert support and phone connectivity but
those are other issues that can be independently resolved on any other
UNIX/Linux system).

My question is: can X do that? Can I connect to a user's desktop of act
upon it, even interact with the user through it? I know, this is
against most of what I've read about X policy. X was designed for
ressources sharing and remote system administration and NOT to see your
desktop being "hijacked" by some remote user. But in this new age of
"client-based" support, users, support staff and development team want
"to see". Executing a different instance of the program for me to view
(even remotly) doesn't show me the real user's input.

I've tried VNC, but that doesn't work either. VNC only works on the
"next avaliable display". If your main display is :0, VNC connects
directly to :1.

So if any knows a solution, I'll be glad to hear it.


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