On Mon, 3 Mar 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>I am attaching a log file for my RedHat 8.0.93 installation

That's Red Hat's second _experimental_beta-test_ of the upcoming 8.1.  
Since that there's been another pre-release of 8.0.94. Should you be
running that if you don't know how to read an XFree86 log?

>with ATI Radeon 7500 All-In-Wander card. Graphic system
>does not start; I am getting "Fatal server error: no
>screens found". 
>Is this enough info to identify the problem?

The error log you supply seems to indicate that you haven't specified 
your monitor's horizontal and vertical refresh rates.  Read the 
monitor's manual and then enter them by hand in the appropriate section 
of /etc/X11/XF86Config

Section "Monitor"
        Identifier   "Monitor0"
        VendorName   "SomeName"
        ModelName    "SomeModel"
        HorizSync    XX.0 - YY.0  <---- these values taken from manual
        VertRefresh  ZZ.0 - WW.0        or found by Google search

Did you try running "redhat-config-xfree86"?

Oisin Feeley

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