This is not the first time this thing with XF86_S3 is mentioned within RH 8.0 
problems, I believe
it even appeared in the XF86Config of one of the people concerned. Which is why I did 
not answer
the mail (I would have said the same thing as Oisin)...  
Has RH renamed something? Is there still an X 3.3.6 lurking in the background as with 
RH 7.x?

--- "Oisin C. Feeley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 4 Mar 2003, Assad wrote:
> >Regarding: Cannot open x-window after the installation of redhat 8.0 connection 
> >graphic
> >------------------------------------------------------------
> >XFree86 Version: Linux 2.4.18-11 smp i686
> >
> >OS: Red Hat Linux 8.0
> >
> >Area: 
> >
> >Server: XF86_S3
> How can this be?  XF86_S3 is one of the separate servers that existed 
> before XFree86-4.x.x which is what shipped with Red Hat 8.0, so I don't 
> see how that can be your server.
> Try reconfiguring with "redhat-config-xfree86".  Read the RELEASE-NOTES 
> and all the relevant Red Hat supplied documentation.  
> <snip>
> HTH,
> Oisin Feeley
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