Right. Veit also pointed out this limitation. Perhaps it's
*doable*, but just isn't supported? [EMAIL PROTECTED]
claims to have it working under linux; I know I have 1600x1200
working on 4.2.1 (Freebsd-4.7) for both the G400/550 on a
the viewsonic vp230mb (at 56hz v-refresh).

The monitor reports it's in 'digitial' in the onscreen displays.
Plus, I'm using a (single link) DVI/D cable. I can't
even force it to analog on that cable via DigitalScreen{,1,2} "False".
(Could it still be fooling me and doing analog somehow?)

I really like your point about the dual-link card/cable.
I may go get a dual-link cable and see if it has an effect
on the Iiyama au4831d.
(And/or if Dr.Aitchison could report on his cable?)

Lastly, how can I know if a card is dual/single link?
A lot of sites' specs seem not even as forthcoming as
the Matrox site. (At least from what I can grok.)
And the Matrox site doesn't really say explictly
about single/dual link. They just imply it in the
resolution they support.

Are there hints/things how to sus this out?

Thanks very much the continued postings.


p.s. Re: Veit's question about 60hz vs 56hz: I'm sure.
I went and double checked: at 60Hz I get a blank screen
for 1600x1200 and see this in the log:

(WW) (1600x1200,ViewSonic LCD-23) mode clock 162MHz exceeds DDC maximum 160MHz

This even with NoDDC, NoDDC1, NoDDC2.


Thomas Winischhofer wrote:
According to the Matrox website (http://www.matrox.com/mga/products/tech_info/g550_factsheet.cfm) the G550 can only do up to 1280x1024 via *digital* DVI, 1600x1200 via *analog* DVI. (1280x1024 is the limit for all "single-link" cards/output devices. Resolutions above this require a "dual link" card/output device. The difference can also be seen on the cable; single-link cables/plugs do not use the middle 3x3 pin block, dual-link cables use all pins ... and are twice as expensive, BTW)


Veit Wahlich wrote:

Hi Ken!

Am Die, 2003-03-18 um 00.08 schrieb Ken Marx:

(Just fyi - I got both a g550, and a g400 to work at 1600x1200 in DVI on a viewSonic vp230mb.
I had to clock the refresh rate down to 56hz
from 60hz. Ignorance was bliss there, I guess.)

I am sure I tried this - my ViewSonic VX2000 did not work at any refresh rates other than 60Hz at this resolution. Are you sure it was using DVI-D and not DVI-A? There are some panels around that have got a DVI connector (with VGA adaptor) but actually use a VGA signal via DVI-A, e.g. ViewSonic VG series.

Before I go and try the Ti4200, I might as well ask
if you've tried Option "Rotate" at 1600x1200 dvi?
I see that the nv driver supports it (that's what
you're using I presume).

My panel is not rotatable so I have not chacked whether this is supported or not, but there is a PDF document at the nvidia XFree drivers page (www.nvidia.com->drivers->graphics->Geforce->Linux/FreeBSD) listing and describing all options available.

// Veit

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