
I run RedHat 8 on a ASUS laptop (Intel 830M integrated video) with Gnome

I recently installed a DVD/MPEG player (mplayer) successfully and
noticed that the current version of XFree86 (4.2) that I was using
didn't support hardware acceleration in the 830M.  So .... I downloaded
the latest version (4.3) which has support for Intel chipset and did the
install.  Fortunately, I saved my existing setup because nothing worked
after the install.  X refused to load.  I eventually was able to get TWM
to work after disabling runlevel 5 and using startx instead of gdm.  I
have since copied back my old XFree86 distribution and am back where I

Does anybody have any ideas where I went wrong?

Philip Sinfield
Cert CivEng - QIT; BAppSc(Comp), MIT - QUT; MACS
School of Software Engineering & Data Communications
Faculty of Information Technology, QUT
Phone:  61 7 38642783
Fax:    61 7 38641801
Mobile: 0404 872063
QUT CRICOS Number - 00213J

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