Dear Sir,
It is with hope that I write to seek your help in the context below.
Firstly, let me introduce myself, I am Mrs. Victoria Guei wife of the
former Head Of State of Cote'd Ivoire Late General Robert Guei who
was assassinated on the 19th of September 2002 in a military uprising
in my country. Since my husband death, I have been thrown into a
state of utter confusion, frustration and hopelessness by the present
administration of President Laurent Gbagbo . The security agents in
the country have subjected me to physical and psychological torture.
Subsequently events in my country has now led to the break up of the
country with many displaced individuals including Foreigners.
Unfortunately loyalist soldiers of President Laurent Gbagbo have
continued to loot and assassinate those perceived to be against his

In view of these, I humbly approach you for assistance in the
resettlement and relocation of my four children and I out of
Accra-Ghana where we are temporarily seeking Political Asylum. I came
in contact with your name and address in a website and would want to
have good confidence in you as I view you to be a responsible
personality. I have no doubt about your capacity and good will to
assist me in receiving into your custody for safety, funds deposited
by my husband in certain Diplomatic Security/Deposit Companies around
the World; the Deposit document I have in my possession. For obvious
security reasons, it is imperative that you keep all our
communication very secret. Do not mention my family’s name or
disclose the transaction to anybody. As soon as I acknowledge receipt
of your acceptance of this business proposal through my e-mail

I will furnish you with the necessary steps. 

Warmest Regards 

Victoria Guei.
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