On 28 May 2003, Anders Joergensen wrote:

> Hi,
> I have some problems getting my X to show 1920x1200, which is the
> primary display mode for my 24" LCD display.
> I'm running
> XFree86 Version 4.3.0 on a Redhat 9
> According to XFree86.0.log my video hardware is Radeon 7500, which is
> correct, but when it says
> > (II) RADEON(0): Not using mode "1920x1200" (no mode of this name)
> > (II) RADEON(0): Not using mode "1920x1080" (no mode of this name)
> Does that mean that the video card doesn't support 1920x1200 and
> 1920x1080?

I think it means that these modes are not built into the xserver.  Try
generating a custom modeline with the resolutions you're aiming for (or
something smaller with the same aspect ratio if you can't go that high)
and inserting that into the monitor section of /etc/X11/XF86Config-4.
Videogen is one example of a tool for making modelines.

If you get something that almost works (but there is some distortion in
the screen or something), then use xvidtune to adjust the screen and
fine tune the mode (don't forget to print out the corrected modeline
created by xvidtune and using that to replace the one you had generated


> ./Anders
> --
> Anders Jacob Joergensen
> Nokia Businuess Infrastructure
> Frederikskaj, 1790 Cph. V
> Phone: +45 33294586, +45 20918776
> Brought to you by the character ':', the letters 'w' and 'q'. Enjoy!
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