Ok, here's what I'm trying to do:

I have a laptop with an ATI Radeon Mobility 7500 (rv200 chipset). I can sucessfully make it work in dual-head mode with xinerama and it works like a charm ( I'm a dual-head lover, once you try it, you can't live without it, consider yourself warned ;o) ...)

Anyways, in order to get dual-head working and X to make my two screens behave like one, I have to turn on the "Xinerama" option but that disables DRI, and that sucks cause without DRI, it's hard to watch DVD and and software that requires OpenGL works like I have a 486 (I have p4 1.6ghz so....).

I read on a forum that it was possible using virtual desktop and with a few tweaks to make work around this problem. Here's what we need to do:

- For my setup, both screen run a 1024x768, so If combined them, I get a 2048x768 desktop. So the idea is to use virtual desktop in order to get a 2048x768 on the first screen and then the second screen should be used in clone mode but we have to put in the config that we want X to start displaying that desktop from 1024pixels horizontally. Then we have to lock that config, so it doesn't move with the mouse (like the virtual desktop does). So then we obtain the illusion that we have half the screen in each monitor and X thinks there is only one monitor so DRI won't be disabled.

The only thing that's sucks about this setup is that new openned windows will be centered in the entire desktop so the will be sort of cut in the middle, but there must be a way you could specify that all new window open with their uper left corner at an X Y position that would be in screen 1 for example (sort of what Xinerma does in a way).

I've been trying to play around with virtual desktop and to setup my screen with "Absolute" or "Relative" parameters in the ServerLayout but I've not add any success yet. So If someone could tell me how to do what I'm trying to do cause I know I'm close, but I'm missing something.

I also hope that this can help others that have the same problem I have untill Xinerama supports DRI. By the way, 3D acceleration doesn't really work in windows in dual-head mode, so this not a just a Linux issue ... anyways, I don't care about windows... but just in case someone says, well Linux sucks cause that works in windows, well it doesn't!


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