On Mon, 2 Jun 2003, Andy Goth wrote:

> On Monday, June 2, 2003 2:42 pm, Kamran wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I want to ask a simple question pinching me for past two years. Why the
> > linux system is slow on the GUI side ? I have installed and run RH 6.2,
> > 7.2 ,7.3 and now 8 on various systems. But I get a not very good
> > performance my computers as compared to the performance of windoze on
> > the same platform (on dual boot systems). I have tried to run TUX racer
> > on linux and now adays I am trying to run cube, BUT it is too damn slow
> > on linux. Once I reboot the machine in windoze 98 I get more than
> > excellent performance. I have a p-2 350 MHz with 128 MB RAM and 16 MB
> > nVidia AGP card. Where does the problem lie ? is it the window manager ?
> > Where are the claims of Linux of good memeory management, etc ? I need
> > help on this issue. I am one of the promoters and supporters of linux
> > and am sometimes spell bound once some one argues with me on this issue.
> > Please guide.
> Is the 2d stuff fast or slow?  If it's slow, you might not be using an optimal 
> driver for X.  XFree86 comes with "nvidia" (check /etc/X11/XF86Config or a 
> similarly named file---I have no clue what Red Hat calls it), or you could 
> get "nv" from the nVidia web site.
> If it's fast but the 3d is slow, you're not taking advantage of hardware 
> acceleration.  Look into OpenGL.  Probably for 3d, "nv" is your best bet 
> performance-wise, except that in my experience it was buggy (I had to reboot 
> occasionally to reset the graphics card to get my display back), but that was 
> a long time ago for an old card.  If you want to stick with open stuff, use 
> "nvidia".

   You have those backwards.  "nv" is the open source driver, "nvidia"
is NVIDIA's binary driver.  The open source driver has no hardware 3D.
support.  If you want hardware 3D with that card you need to be using 
the "nvidia" driver.


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