this is what i'm trying to do

+----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
| A | >>ssh>> | B | >>ssh>> | C | >>ssh>> | D |
+----+ +----+ +----+ +----+

a and D are both on private networks and can't talk to each other, but b and c can talk to each other and b can talk to a and c can talk to d, I am trying to get an X application on D to show up on A. A, B, and D have X installed but C does NOT have X installed. When i try to do an ssh -X from A to B it works fine, but when i do that from B to C it does not set the diplay to anything. and when i do ssh -X from C to D again the display is not set and i dont get any forwarding I also cannot set up a vpn because i almost no controll over c and d, but i do have root on a and b if that helps.

Andy Goth wrote:

On Thursday, June 26, 2003 12:58 pm, Peter \ wrote:

On Thu, 26 Jun 2003, Vladimir wrote:

it seems that ssh will not do X forwards on a machine that does not have
X installed any way around that?

Use -L and -R.

Set the DISPLAY manually.

Get the MIT cookie on the already running X server and install it manually
into ~/.Xauthority on the machine you want the X clients to run on.

Summary: Possible but not pleasant.

Why would you want to forward connections to a machine that doesn't have a real X server on it? The way the -X option of ssh works, a proxy X server is opened on the remote host that forwards back to the local host's real X server. The only thing I can imagine is forwarding one proxy to another, but unless you're going through multiple firewalls and NAT networks, I'm not sure what purpose this would serve.

If you mean that ssh won't honor -X if you're attempting to open a proxy X server on a computer that doesn't have X installed, well, I'm not sure why you would want that either since that machine probably doesn't have any X clients installed (no libX11). If you want to do this so that many computers in the remote network could use that one computer to tunnel to your real X server, I think you would have to use the -g option, but -g has never worked for me for ordinary port forwarding, so I doubt you would get results with the more-complex X11 forwarding. If you really, really want to do something like this, use VPN by running pppd over ssh or similar and then no X11 proxy will be necessary since the remote computers will be able to access yours as if it were on the same network despite however many layers of firewalls and NAT networks you had to tunnel through.

If you gave us a bit more information about what exactly you would like to accomplish, I'm sure we will be able to figure something out.

Note that PuTTY for MS-Windows also does X forwarding. I'm not certain whether it just goes from the remote machine back to an X server running in Windows or if it has an option to go the other way. I don't know why the latter would be useful, though.

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