I have been using XFree86 v3.3.6 under Redhat Linux 6.2 on a couple of PCs
to connect to a remote HP-UX 10.20 CDE system quite successfully, using
the command 'X -query remotehost :2 -bpp 8'.

After upgrading one PC to Redhat 7.3, running XFree86 4.2.1, I had to
change the 'bpp' option to use '-depth 8'. And now I get strange colours
on my screen, e.g. menus appearing with white text on white backgrounds,
and messages such as 'xsetroot: unable to allocate color for "gray30"',
multiple instances of 'Warning: cannot allocate colormap entry for
'LightBlue"' (or other colours), and 'AllocColor' errors when attempting
to run image display programs.

I've still got a PC running the older system (RH6.2, XFree 3.3.6), which
still works fine. XFree86 runs locally under Redhat 7.3 just as well as it
did under 6.2, with no problems.

So what's changed, and how do I get back to where I was? Where do I start
looking for the cause?

Any help would be appreciated...


Dr. Norman Charnley
 Department of Earth Sciences
 University of Oxford
 Oxford OX1 3PR, UK.
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