Interesting.  I did copy the header file to the same directory (-I.) but I
never checked to see if it was actually #include'd.  Something to check


> Even if the right directory is in the -I path, is the .c file that
> requires it perhaps failing to #include a header that will actually
> bring in that #define?
> - Christian
>> From: "Frank Tarczynski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Date: 2003/07/15 Tue AM 09:28:53 EDT
>> Subject: [XFree86] Compliation problem under unixware
>> Is anyone versed enough in the inner workings of the server and it's
>> libs to take a stab at this problem?
>> I'm building xfree86 v4.3.0 under unixware 7.1.3 using the stock cc.
>> When I get to compling ix86Pci.c in
>> xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/os-support/bus I get this error
>> message:
>> /usr/ccs/bin/cc -c -O -W0,-2A -Xa -Dasm=__asm     -I.
>> -I../../../../../../programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/common
>> -I../../../../../../programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/os-support
>> -I../../../../../../programs/Xserver/include
>> -I../../../../../../exports/include/X11  -I../../../../../..
>> -I../../../../../../exports/include -I/usr/X11R6/include  -DUSL -DSVR4
>> -DXFreeXDGA
>> -DXvExtension -DXFree86LOADER  -DXFree86Server -DXF86VIDMODE
>> UX:acomp: ERROR: "ix86Pci.c", line 673: undefined symbol:
>> PCI_CHIP_430HX UX:acomp: ERROR: "ix86Pci.c", line 673: Syntax error
>> before or at: _BRIDGE
>> UX:acomp: ERROR: "ix86Pci.c", line 673: syntax error, probably missing
>> ",", ";" or "="
>> UX:acomp: ERROR: "ix86Pci.c", line 674: Syntax error before or at: (
>> UX:acomp: WARNING: "ix86Pci.c", line 675: syntax error:  empty
>> declaration
>> UX:acomp: WARNING: "ix86Pci.c", line 682: null dimension: sizeof()
>> UX:acomp: ERROR: "ix86Pci.c", line 683: undefined symbol: pPCI
>> UX:acomp: ERROR: "ix86Pci.c", line 683: left operand of "->" must be
>> pointer to struct/union
>> gmake: *** [ix86Pci.o] Error 1
>> I can't figure-out what the problem is here.  PCI_CHIP_430HX_BRIDGE is
>> #define'd in xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/common which is in the -I
>> path. Neither PCI_CHIP_430HX or PCI_430HX_BRIDGE is #define'd anywhere
>> else on my system.
>> I tried /* commenting-out */ the #define in the include file but even
>> then I got the same error.
>> Frank
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