On Wed, 16 Jul 2003, Christian Convey wrote:

> Hi Mark,
> OK, I build XFree86 from CVS (pulled this morning).  The build itself 
> went cleanly, but I had several problems.
> Also, I stopped using xfs, based on a recommendation from Andy Goth, 
> just to take one more potential problem out of the situation.  I now 
> explicitely use font paths, and I verified they work ok before I started 
> installing the new version of XF86.
> (The whole time I was using the config file that's attached to this email.)
> So...
> Problem 1:  When I first ran "make install", there was some hp keyboard 
> config thing that was a file, where the installer wanted it to be a 
> directory.  I renamed that file from "hp" to "hp.original", and then I 
> could install cleanly.

   Yes, I've seen this to.  It tries replace a file with a directory
and it fails.  "make install" of any recent XFree86 will break unless
you remove the old file first.

> Problem 2:  When I then rebooted, X came up, but not in a good way.  My 
> background was a small black/white cross-hatch, and I had a very plain 
> console in the top-left corner.  The mouse worked, but they keyboard 
> didn't.  I couldn't even alt-shift-f1.
> The log file produced from this is the email attachment named, 
> "XFree86.0.log-good-login-scree-but-no-login".
> Problem 3: I thought that maybe I should now restore the contents of my 
> /usr/X11R6 directory to what Mandrake 9.1 had given me (I'd backed it up 
> before installing the new xf86 build.)  So I renamed /usr/X11R6, and put 
> hte Mandrake-supplied version there instead.
> Now I get further:  The nice Mandrake login screen comes up.  However, 
> then I log in, the screen goes black briefly, and I get bounced right 
> back to the login screen.
> The log file associated with Problem 3 is the email attachment named, 
> "XFree86.0.log-good-login-scree-but-no-login"

   Are you running kdm or something like that?  Can you run
startx instead. 

> Question:  Are we participating in the process by which my kind of 
> notebook screen and graphics chip become supported by the XFree86 
> project, or is there usually some other mechanism?

   So far, what you are describing doesn't sound like anything
more than a configuration problem.  The server is not generating
any errors.   In the first case:

Couldn't load XKB keymap, falling back to pre-XKB keymap
(II) Server_Terminate keybinding not found

  The keymap is missing.  In the second case it sounds like
the server is running fine, you just can't login for some
reason.  Perhaps an authentication problem.  Not running a
graphic login will help narrow down the problem.


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