
Hope everybody is having a fine day/night.  I am trying to install Mandrake Linux 9.1 and everything goes fine until it finishes install and reboots, it cannot load KDE properly.  It tries to load, but then the screen goes off and on until it is replaced by the login console (not X).  I tried reinstalling several times, , but the problem persists.  I logged in and issued startx gnome and it worked (as well with Enlightenment), but KDE applications do not work.  The xsession-errors file is 6 pages long, but it comes down to: "Mutex destroy failure: Device or resource busy."   My computer specs: Epox mobo AMD Duron 700Mhz, on-board sound (Apollo Super AC97 Via ) Video card is a regular, generic S3 card that the system identifies as 86c368 Trio 3D/2x which the system plugs and play through the installation with no further problems, that is, until it finishes installation and reboots.  I am confused as to what is causing the problem.. a badly chosen XFree86 server or KDE being "confused".  I am confused myself.  ;-D for I am not very knowledgeable about  the ins and outs of this nice OS.


What I think is that the Mandrake install program not plug and playing the right device driver for the video card, or more likely, the driver is missing from the install files.  I looked for the XFree86 log file EVERYWHERE, but I could not find it. It is possible Mandrake changed the log name and location.  (Mandrake is notorious for doing this). This same video card used to be supported by Mandrake Linux 8.0 very nicely.  I have no idea how to "install" this driver or if I should install the version of  XFree86 that came with 8.0.  I would be greateful if somebody could point me in the right direction on what should I do and I will read and break it and fix it myself.  I just want to avoid doing crazy stuff that won't do any good.    ;-D  

(Oh, and KDE is not the only graph environ with display problems, it is just the one that has been the most affected, I tried startx kde but ICeWM comes on, and the widgets are all wrong and windows that try to open dissapear in a fraction of a second, stuff like that. So far Enlightenment is the best behaved. Other than the titles of the windows being somewhat misplaced in the title bar, there is nothing wrong.  Of course, kde-dependent x-programs won't display, they come up and go real fast).

Any help, suggestion or reference/link to a solution or clarification would be greatly appreciated.  If anybody wants to help and requires more information, please let me know.


Best Regards,


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