Andrew Rothbart wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Im having a strange problem. I can run kde as root, but whenever I try
> to run KDE as a user, I get the following error:
> Fatal Server Error: cannot move old logfile var!log!XFree86.0.log (sorry
> Im using ! instead of forward slashes, my keyboard configuration needs
> some work still ;) Ive attached the XFree96.0.log file. Thanks in advance :)
> Andrew

Did you install XFree86 without suid root and then use startx rather
than xdm?  This is the most common cause of what you are seeing.  You'll
need to set the X server binary to suid root, or re-install with the
config flag in host.def set to install as suid root.

For example, for startx to work on Linux, it needs the properties to
look like:

-rws--x--x    1 root     root      2019033 2003-06-25 12:49

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