
> Dear XFree86-Experts,
Well, I am no expert, but i tried some things for my M9..

> Recently, I installed SuSE Linux 8.1 on my Dell Inspiron 5150 Laptop which
> is equipped with a ATI Radeon 9000 Mobility. Unfortunately, in SaX2 I was
> not able to select my graphics card. In another forum I was advised to
> install the new XFree86-4.3.0 which is supposed to contain a driver for the
> Radeon 9000. After I installed everything my graphics card was still not in
> the list. So I selected the Radeon 8500. At least, I could increase my
> screen resolution now to 1600x1200. However, once I try to activate the
> 3D-acceleration I'm told that my board doesn't support this. I already
> toyed around with glxgears but  I don't know what I'm supposed to see and
> which frame rate I can expect. I have a P4 with 3.06GHz. In addition, after
> installing the new XFree86 my mouse doesn't work sometimes. I have
> connected an extern Logitech wheel mouse. There are three cases: (1)
> touchpad and mouse work correctly, (2) only the touchpad works or (3) both
> do not work at all.
You have to change the drivers for your radeon etc..
Download at http://dri.sourceforge.net in Downloads section the file that you 
need (here normally, radeon-20030809-linux-i386.tar.bz2)
You can also compile the whole Xfree86 stuff, but I personnally prefered to 
download this.. :)
The file contains the script to run as root, it will install all the stuff 
after compiling it for your system (you need to have installed the 
kernel-source of the running system).
I have installed it for both kernel 2.4.20 and 2.4.21, and the XFree86.0.log 
says the dri is enabled, acceleration etc... So It is normally perfect...
But (yeap, there is a but :( ), glxinfo says that there is no direct 
For now, if you try and achieve to make it work...


 -: Unix IS user-friendly, it just chooses its friends very carefully. :-
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