dear BSD user,
its a bit mood to talk about what hardware you should use
when you dont talk about what hardware you are using.
often its just supported but for some bogus reason the
hardware does simply not start up. in some cases it is
just trough the fact that software which you can get in
pressed form as a distribution or alikes comilation is not
really up to date and its natural that it wont work on any
hardware that is out there even if support is availabel for
that hardware on the web in form of updates for a long time.
to my best knowledge BSD does offer quite exhaustive
methods of updating even from source packages and
will therefore not limit you. maybe you are just going
the wrong way. a bit more information on your hardware
and software sent to the list(!) will help a lot in really telling
you what is recommended best for your purposes.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Copling [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ]
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2003 22:39
Subject: [XFree86] (no subject)

hello i bought freebsd desktop edition and the x window didnt reconize my
graphics card so now im wondering what would be a powerful graphics card to
install on this system that x does reconize

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